Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
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Practically-oriented event «Horizon Europe: open calls in the area of Climate, Energy and Mobility»

Center for International Cooperation team gathered Dnipro University of Technology scientists at the practical event «Horizon Europe: open calls in the area of Climate, Energy and Mobility» held on 2 October 2024.

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Representatives of the Scientific and Research Department, Doctoral School, professors, associate professors, and senior lecturers from 6 faculties have joined to learn about the features of the 5th cluster of the Horizon Europe Programme, the terms of participation, and the process of searching for partners and projects.

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Yuliya Degtyariova, International Projects Manager at the Center for International Cooperation, has inspired the audience to participate in the project and shared essential aspects of the program and a step-by-step application plan.

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In the end, the First Vice-Rector Artem Pavlychenko wished the scientists all the success and assured them of full support.


During the QA session, the event became a platform for the experience exchange: the participants shared their impressions and plans for participation in the programme. 

Such events support the Dnipro University of Technology scientists' professional development and motivate them to participate in new projects!



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