PROJECT TYPE: ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet actions in the field of higher education
PROJECT DURATION 01/09/2023 – 30/08/2026
PROJECT COORDINATOR Dnipro University of Technology (UA)
PROJECT SUMMАRY Russian intervention is having a significant impact on Ukrainian society, which chose a proactive way of resisting aggression. The military invasion, which had extended over one year already,slowed down state reforms meant to accelerate the processes of European integration of Ukraine. At the same time, we observe the phenomenon of voluntary civic mobilization, launched at the grassroots level, which leads to the activation of deep democratic transformations in local communities throughout Ukraine. Such transformations determine the need for knowledge about instruments on how to organize civic mobilization and participation most effectively and sustainably with a high added value of citizen‘s impact. The main goal of the project is to describe EU values-based approaches, possibilities and instruments of responsible and empowered citizens‘ participation in the democratic transformation of the state to preserve its orientation towards European integration and sustainable development in terms of war and contributing to the rising of a more inclusive, cohesive and digitally advanced society. It proposes an education and training program - Empowering communities for sustainable development in terms of digitalizationǁ. It includes such topics as sustainable development of local communities, e-participation, civic empowerment, circular economy and land management. The project embraces a set of formal and non-formal educational activities to share the EU values-based approach to managing communities‘ sustainable development, mastering skills of critical thinking, digital literacy and eparticipation. Also, it strives to share and promote European practices in teaching and research in the field of sustainable development and citizens‘ empowerment using digital tools. The project offers opportunities for students of the Dnipro University of Technology, as well as all interested listeners, to learn and deepen their knowledge of mentioned topics. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.