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PROJECT TYPE: ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in the Field of Youth - Eastern Partnership Window


15/12/2018 – 01/06/2021


Social and Youth Workers Non Governmental Organisation (AM)


Dnipro University of Technology (UA)

LLC Umbrella (GE)

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of RA (AM)

Nordic European Mobility (SE)

Internationale Arbeidsvereniging (NL)

Escull Solidari (ES)

ECYC – European Confederation of Youth Clubs AISBL (BE)


Kipriakos Organismos Kentron neotitas Koken LTD (CY)

Koinonikh Synetairistikh Epixeirhsh Koinonikhs Ofeleias Mentores (EL)

NUR Service (AM)

Development and Initiative (UA)


The project will bring in a united platform and dimension variety of stakeholders of voluntary youth work, including governmental agencies, public educational bodies and civil society organizations. This cooperation will create process, environment and outcomes, which will develop capacities of all involved parties. The impact of the project results will reach to the fields of legislative, volunteer management, companies’ human resources, volunteers’ recognition and employability of young people. The project is crucial contribution to the process of recognition of non-formal education and voluntary youth work. It increases the capacity of youth organizations, as it gives a possibility to develop national recognition tools specified to local needs.

The project will success, which will increase youth active involvement in the society starting with decision making processes. Young people will understand that the voluntary activities will give them knowledge, skills and experience which they need for being hired, recognized and involved in society. The civil society will have skilled youth organizations, which know how to work with volunteers and how to make visible voluntary work and validate the learning outcomes of non-formal education. Young people will feel that the voluntary youth work gives them knowledge, skills and experience which is recognized by the state and public bodies, governments, society and protected by law. The project will become a unique bridge for the cooperation between the governmental structures and youth NGOs, between formal and non-formal education, between policy makers and practitioners.


Project’s main idea is to increase recognition of voluntary youth work in society and among employers, to acknowledge and validate youth volunteering in local, national level, develop volunteers' competences and link them to the labor market, make their work validated by their skills and knowledge gained as a part of non-formal learning in local projects.


1. Youth Conference. The aim of conference is to provide a platform for youth workers and volunteers to speak about legislations and laws in different countries on volunteering

2. Study Visit. Aims on creating of a working group, which will prepare the upcoming training course.

3. Training Course. The aim is to create and develop national recognition tools adjusted to the given country’s needs and local traditions, so as the tool work in real life.

4. Information and awareness campaigns in all participating countries. The campaign is aimed to test and spread developed national recognition tools locally. Work on the activation of volunteers as active citizens, participants in the decision-making process, legislation, public discussions concerning their rights.

5. Evaluation Meeting. Review the outcomes of all activities, represent the reports on strengths and weakness of national recognition tools, their dissemination level in society and among stakeholders. Present the project outcomes to European Institutions.

Contact person: Kateryna Priazhnikova mail.jpg priazhnikova.k.v@nmu.one




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