Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Technical systems parameters justification applied to mining and processing of organic-mineral sediments in the Black Sea.

Project authors. National Mining University, Department of Marine Geology and sedimentary mineralization of NAS, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine)

Project objective. Design solutions development and the basic technological parameters justification of the systems for mining, transportation and processing of organic-mineral sediments in the Black Sea.

Project background. Foundation for the study of deep-sea organic-mineral sediments was laid in 1987 and 1990, as well as during research in 1992 on the program "The exploration and using of the oceans in the interests of science, economy and defense of the country" and the National Program for research and using resources of the Azov-Black Sea basin and other regions of the oceans for the period up to 2000 (project "Sapropel", 1994-1997). The studies identified areas of organic-mineral sediments using in various sectors of the economy, primarily in the agrochemical sector, medicine and cosmetology.

The next step is to validate the development of technological and design solutions of the sea-based complex for deep-sea organic-mineral sediments mining in the Black Sea.



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