Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Project ideas of NMU in "Societal Challenges" section of

Horizon 2020 program

Slope stability analysis and landslide forecast via numerical modelling to prognose natural and technogenic catastrophes

Restoration of ecological potential of wastelands in industrial cities

Creating a system of bioindicative assessment of toxicity levels of the environment in the territories of the coal-mining regions

Development the method directed on testing environmental conditions

Improving the protection of workers using a dust respirator in the coal mines

Technology of multiple use of mineral deposits exploitation and formation of man-caused deposits at the open pit mining

Scientific substantiation of saving technologies of underground mining of uranium and iron ore with solid backfill in Ukraine and the world.

Ecological aspects of selective technology of coal extraction implementation

Rationale of technology of regeneration of methane of trash dumps and possibility of his application as alternative power mediums

Improvement of technological schemes of transport when developing open pit mining based on the use of ground-layer cable roads

New technological solutions for open mining

The technology of the heat mapping cities from space.

Assessment of the ecological status of water bodies according to the data of multispectral airspace images.

Geoinformation system of the integrated analysis of different-type and different-level data using RAPID GIS

Technology of searches of industrial accumulations of coal methane and creation of mine fields 3D models by different-level data

Geoinformation technology of unconventional hydrocarbons forecasting in igneous and metamorphic rocks using space and ground-based surveys

Technology of slagheaps burning sites mapping from multi-temporal data of multispectral space imagery

Enhancing of energy efficiency of heating systems of residential buildings

Technical systems parameters justification applied to mining and processing of organic-mineral sediments in the Black Sea.

Hybrid Improved Motor-Green Driving Efficiency (HIM-GDE)

Establishment laws of power transmission on branches of double-mechanical transmission

Development of research, design and technology solutions for the integrated development of natural and man-watered fields of rocks of sedimentary origin

New generation of lift facilities with flat traction bodies

Rationale for the application of scientific, technical and engineering decisions in the creation of pipelines for hydraulic mining, the method of producing wells.

Scientific substantiation and development of the technology of construction materials with high levels of energy dissipation for the mining industry.

Develop and explore the impact of technology on the borehole rocks, providing warning of sudden outbursts of gas and rocks in coal from underground mines.

Scientific substantiation and development of energy-saving technology of synthesis of superhard materials.

Scientific substantiation of rational parameters of mine hoist facilities of the new generation of flat traction bodies.

Study of the operating electric power losses dynamics in the power supply systems elements

Development of the transfer concept of underground consumers of energy-intensive mines to the voltage of 20-35 kV

Development of the system of continuous and selective insulation monitoring and protection for distribution networks 6-35 kV

Development of technical support principles of systems with distributed generation on the basis of «Smart Grid» concept

Development of methods and means of saving and control power quality of energy intensive industries due to energy-efficient electric systems

Feasibility study of nature-friendly technologies for Lviv-Lublin basin coal mining

Service life extension of metallurgical equipment while tribological barrier negotiation

Restorable sources of raw stock for tool material production

Improving methods for energy efficiency control of production processes at industrial enterprises

Smart technology to control mining processes while solving the problems of energy saving and energy efficiency

Theoretical justification and engineering of new intelligent tools as well as power monitoring systems

Smart technology to control processes of grain storage and processing in the problems of energy saving and energy efficiency

Research of technological and operational defectiveness of technical systems, including probabilistic modeling of processes of formation of technological defectiveness

The development technologies of undermining, subsident and karst territories and territories composed of sanitary and technogenic waste

The technologies of air conditioning and heating of buildings and structures using heat pumps collectors, combined with the bases and foundations of buildings and structures

Extended phase trajectories in direct and inverse problems of non-linear elastic system dynamics

Solving optimal facility placement problems in terms of life-support systems of the population

Development of methods, models and information technologies on their basis for improving the quality of pictures of various physical nature

To develop basic theory of quantum dynamics of elementary chemical act, stimulated by the presence of an electric charge on the solid surface

To develop basic theory of obtaining high-strength energy efficient concretes as a result of use of nano-disperse components of mixed origin

Physico-chemical scenario abrupt reduce the viscosity of metals in the process of penetration of microparticles and formation in the microstructure of metals new nanoscale phases at high-speed collisions of microparticles with metals

Electric drive for light electric vehicles



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