Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Restorable sources of raw stock for tool material production

Project author: National Mining University, Department Of Mining Machinery Technology, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine).

Project objective: Development and implementation of renewable raw materials using high-energy processing for recycling carbide arrays of any shape and weight in order to obtain high-quality materials for the production of tools for different purposes.

Project background: Deficiency of tungsten and cobalt, are strategically important for the tool industry materials , has led to serious research on the use of tool breakage of these materials for the manufacture of cutting, destroying and forming tools . Known methods of disposal alloy which contains tungsten for reuse based on chemical- thermal, mechanical and metallurgical recovery processes containing oxidation and long-term thermal and mechanical treatments. Analysis of these methods showed their low productivity , environmentally harmful nature of production at extremely high energy consumption.

In this regard, the development of fundamentally new ways to dispose of scarce raw materials is important and relevant.



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