At the National Mining University started work on an international project implemented under the grant program Erasmus plus: «Quality assurance system in Ukraine: development on the base of ENQA standards and guidelines/ QUAERE» General information about the project The project involved leading universities of Ukraine, Poland, Netherlands, Germany, Lithuania, Greece and German independent agency of external evaluation and accreditation (ASIIN), Central European network of agencies of quality assurance (CEENQA), State educational institution "Training center for quality education", Ukrainian Association of the student government and the Ministry of education and Science of Ukraine. Project goal is to support the reform and development of quality assurance in Ukraine. The project will develop tools for the sustainable functioning of internal and external quality assurance; stimulate wider involvement of students in the processes of self-awareness in universities introduction introspection mechanism as an integral component of the functioning of universities. Duration - 2 years. The budget of 717 thousand. Euro. The main objectives of the project:
The working group on the project from NSU consists of: prof. Alekseev M.O. - Project Manager from NMU, prof. Uss S.A., assoc. prof. Chernyshenko V.S., assoc. prof. Churikanova O.Y. assoc. prof. Koryashkina L.S., assoc. prof. Udovik I.M., assoc. prof. Alekseev O.M. ![]() The meeting of the working group of the project from NMU Last news of the project 4-6 April 2016 in Lviv University was held the first meeting under the project: Quality Assurance System in Ukraine: Development on the Base of ENQA Standards and Guidelines. The meeting was attended by representatives from local and foreign of universities, representatives of public organizations, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and representatives of the National Erasmus office in Ukraine. During the meeting such basic issues as the concept of assessing the quality of education in Ukraine, developments and prospects in this direction; approval of the the project work plan for the next two years; content and organizational structure of the project; the formation of working groups, etc. were discussed. ![]() Kick-off meeting at Lviv National University. Franko, 4-6 April 2016
Results of the project implementation and more detailed information