Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Scientific substantiation of saving technologies of underground mining of uranium and iron ore with solid backfill in Ukraine and the world.

Author of the project: National Mining University, Underground Mining Department, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine)

Project Objective: Substantiation feasibility and environmental principles allowing to develop alternative technologies for stopping production conditions of underground ore steep deposits with maximum use of technological waste in filling operations of the enterprise.

Project background: World experience shows that underground mining of steeply dipping ore deposits carried by prevailing majority of chamber systems of development with backfill. Ukraine thus produces uranium and iron ore along by an open method. With this method of production the urgency of implementing mining production in resource-saving technologies becomes increasingly intense. The main factors are the stability control of massif, technology of ore breaking, comprehensive measures for managing filling operations, the development of rational cementless compositions of filling mixes waste with maximum use of local raw material base and a number of other factors.

It is required to conduct a new search and scientific substantiation of saving technologies in these factors depending on the changing conditions of mining and geological situation and the technological parameters of mining.

Therefore there is a need in the substantiation of scientific, technical, environmental engineering and management decisions in finding and applying resource technologies for underground mining of ore minerals in the scale of the country and the world. This will minimize the use of resources to extract ore at the same level of production and improve the competitiveness of extracted minerals in the local and global market.



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