Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Ecological aspects of selective technology of coal extraction implementation

Author of the project: National Mining University, Underground Mining Department, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine)

Project objective: To develop technology of selective coal extraction from thin seams with load on stoping face 1500-2500 tonnes/day (with ash content 18-20%) with leaving cutting rocks in worked-out area

Project background: On a share of Ukrainian coal industry falls near 4% of world total reserves, or 33.9 billion tonnes. In structure of these reserves, share of seams with thickness less than 1.2 m is equal to 74%. Only on 10 mines of Western Donbass mines opened and prepared near 500 million tonnes of commercial reserves in thin seams. Mining of these reserves will extend the term of mine life in 2-5 times that solve a set of social issues.

Western Donbass mines wind up 6-7 million tonnes of rock at annual coal extraction in 17-18 million tonnes. Rock storing on surface have unfavourable effect on ecology of region. Technology of leaving rock in worked-out area allows to eliminate set of ecological and technological issues. Comparison of preliminary technical-and-economic indices shows that prime cost of selective technology with leaving rock in mine lower on 5-10% than bulk technology.

That is why in world’s coal industry takes place necessity of development selective technology of coal extraction with leaving rock in mine for improving ecological and social condition of coal region.



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