Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
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DEBATS "Future We in Diversity"

If you want to feel the importance of deploying rational, reasoned arguments and compelling evidence, then participate in debate activity.

In striving to gain numerous benefits occurring due to a formal discussion on the matter of young migrants’ involvement into civic society, we came up with the idea of including debate activity into the activity list of FUTURE project.


So, 5 days of debating, discussing and sharing opinions on how to make young migrants’ life better in absolutely new conditions after displacement have been unforgettable.


Participants fr om Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania, Poland and Italy – countries which almost 3 years ago in 2018 created the partner Consortium for implementing the FUTURE project – enjoyed “The Future We in Diversity” Debate that took place in sunny Georgia from May, 23 until May, 29.

“The Future We in Diversity” Debate has brought all of us to better understanding of problems that young migrants usually face in new societies, specific features of their integration across countries and ways of doing cooperatively in order to create really future diverse community with no biases and violence towards those having left their domiciles.


Throughout the international FUTURE project “Shaping the diverse common FUTURE - Wide dialogue to create and methodologically support a network for involving migrant youth into a civic society” - of the EU ERASMUS + programme, the team of the project soul mates from partner countries tried to provide youth with experiences that are conducive to life-changing, cognitive, and presentational skills. Debate activity has become a milestone on the way.

During the Debate days’ activities facilitated by experienced trainers, participants got to know each other and created friendly environment encouraging mutual brain-storming, positive discussions and constructive dialogue. We believe that after the Debate activity, we have created the international network for supporting young migrants.


Due to “The Future We in Diversity” Debate, participants gained broad, multi-faceted knowledge of instruments and tools that can be used cooperatively by NGOs, universities and authority bodies to help migrants shocked with new circumstances in adaptation and finding themselves. Youth offered tools for increasing migrants’ confidence, poise, and self-esteem in new community. Ukrainians proposed interesting solutions on engaging, active and migrant-centered activities that may be undertaken by NGOs. Impressions and emotions evoked by a tour around the places wh ere migrants live in Tbilisi mirrored and reflected in the idea of specific adaptation policy for young migrants that must be developed in each country around the world as a sign of tolerance and shared European values.


However, all these and other suggestions of participants generated during the Debate activity will be accumulated and presented in final toolkit that will be the methodological support for future migrant involvers. To sel ect best ideas and solutions for young migrants’ adaptation gathered throughout the FUTURE project lifetime as well as to outline the best toolkit composition was the primary goals of the Debate.

We are looking forward to the next FUTURE project activities that will encourage our teamwork for common happy future.



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