PROJECT NAME: Online youth exchange “Volunteers Beyond Borders”
PROJECT TYPE: Erasmus+ Learning Mobility of Individuals
PROJECT DURATION 01/03/2020 – 30/04/2022
PROJECT COORDINATOR Associazione Popoli Insieme ODV (Italy)
PARTNERS DniproUniversity of Technology (Ukraine) Associazione Popoli Insieme ODV (Spain) Mediterranean Forum For Social Development (Morocco) United Societies of Balkans (Greece) Development and Initiative (Ukraine)
PROJECT SUMMARY The main goal is the promotion of the importance of volunteering in the social field among young people, with a focus on refugees’ issues and migration. It is aimed to enhance the European and the international dimension of volunteering, education and training, in particular through cooperation between Program and Partner-Country organizations involved in this project. The focus is directed on teaching the basic concepts about migration, European stance, role and values on refugees’ issues and breaking the prejudices, mindsets, stereotypes towards refugees, thus raising young people’s awareness about the importance of social inclusion.
The project brought together 35 representatives of different countries to look at the topic from different points of view and increase the international awareness about current problems. The participants had the possibility to understand deeper the meaning and difference between refugee, migrant and asylum seekers. The program included the interview with a refugee from Syria in order to know the situation directly and break prejudices. Every national team prepared its own day program for all participants. There was the possibility to get to know better about the countries and stories of refugees, to learn theory about migration and refugee, to debate on proposed topics. Ukrainian team suggested oxford debates day. We made trainings and then real game on topic: This house believes that migration is doing more harm than good. During this day, the participants could look wider at the problem and understand opposite opinions.
Every day was full of different activities. All participants presented their countries, shared their culture, music, national identity. Energizers and reflecting games between activities were giving recharge and cool mood. Additionally, the organizers proposed the creative activity – photographic language. It combined ethics in photography, composition tips and portrait session. It helped participants to learn how to see and introduce each other through photo.
It was really useful and interesting time together. In the end of the project, participants received European Youth passes.
Contact person: Doroshenko Lesya
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