Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
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Medinskii Anton


Speciality: Information Technologies        


Term of stay: 03/09/2018-28/01/2019

The name of the specialty in NTU GP: Software engineering


Erasmus+ exchange was an opportunity for me to try to get a completely different life experience. I have been abroad, traveled, even participated in the Erasmus+ youth exchanges several times. But independent life and study during thіs semester are not comparable to anything.

By studying software engineering at NTU "DP", at the University of Jaen, I decided to study management. By attending lectures on several different subjects, I have chosen to study software project management, finance management, and human resources management. Studying such subjects is interesting, because you are constantly communicating and working with people from all over the world. In general, a lot of time was devoted to teamwork. For example, in human resource management, the professors were from Italy In software management, I worked in a team of students from Mexico on a prototype of an app for tracking public transport in Jaen. We have always solved cases from real life. In fact, studying at the university, I had quite a lot of spare time for self-development.

In addition to the subjects, I studied Spanish. So many languages you know, so many times you are a man. The semester is enough to learn the language at the basic level. What is Erasmus + without traveling? In the city, there were several student organizations that organized trips and parties to exchange students. At the beginning of the semester we traveled several times to the sea, then visited several cities. Cultural exchange really works. The University organized several events where students represented their countries, presented national dishes. Also, I lived with students from Brazil and Uruguay and learned a lot about their traditions and customs.

Summing up, I would like to say that the exchange is an obligatory experience for all students who want to be citizens of the world.



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