Rizo Zakhar
Speciality: Business administration
TErm of state: 12/02/2020-26/06/2020 The name of the specialty in NTU GP Economic Cybernetics, 4th course
My name is Zakhar Rizo, I am a fifth-year student at the National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic" in Ukraine, specialization is "Mechanical engineering" and also programming. For the last six months, I have been studying under the Erasmus + program at the Spanish University in Jaen.The studying was conducted remotely, except for the first month of training, as I was in isolation due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic. But that didn't stop usefully spend time and enjoy beautiful Spain. At Jaen University, I really enjoyed the fact that when I came to the university I was given the opportunity to choose subjects from a list of disciplines that are related to my specialty and it was very useful. So I was able to choose exactly those disciplines that interest me and I think can help me become a professional in my field. And really studying at the university was very productive, the teachers at the university taught at a high level and were always ready to help if necessary, it was clear that they really love their job and it's great. Studying at the University of Jaen gave me the opportunity to meet interesting and intelligent people from almost all European and Asian countries, learn more about their culture, views on some aspects of life, as well as exchange contacts and possibly meet in the future. The university did everything to ensure that the Erasmus + team was united, the organizers created and organized events for students, competitions, international evenings when it was possible, and much more… It is really cool that there are such international educational projects as Erasmus +, which help students to develop in different areas of study and thus become qualified professionals. Thanks to the International Department of Dnipro Polytechnic for giving me the opportunity to take a part in the Erasmus+ project, And also that they organize a lot of international projects thus enabling more students to take part in such projects. And due to the fact that not only students but also teachers take part in international exchanges, this makes our university international and scientifically advanced.