Shykhov Stanislav
Speciality: Mechanical Engineering
Term of stay: 18.01.2019 - 28.06.2019 The name of the specialty in NTU DP: Electric Power, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics, 3th course An internship during the semester at Leoben Montanuniversity was one of the most interesting experiences in my life. Having got a letter that invited me to participate the interview, I decided to try myself. The interview was very harsh but an interesting opportunity to test my skills. The other participants were very talented, so I was quite happy to be chosen. Throughout the whole process of trip preparation, I was supported and assisted by my wonderful coordinators, Elena Dyachenko from NTU DP and Karina Michelini Rodriguez from Montanuniversity. The university is of the same as NTU, and even theirs first buildings are very similar to each other. Montanuniversity is located in the small but beautiful town - Leoben. In the beginning of the internship, an English language course was held for all newly arrived foreign students, where we got acquainted to each other. This cultural exchange was very informative, and even after the end of the course we often got together at various events and parties. Teachers were very friendly and always ready to help, explain and get into the situation. The equipment was at a very high level and constantly updated. Work in the online space was also very developed: everything from enrollment to downloading course materials could be done through the personel account on the university portal. If you need something extra, a large amount of literature, publications and journals could be found with the help of the library's website. Thanks to a well-developed railways network, it was possible to travel from Leoben all over Austria, which gave me the possibility to see and experience even more interesting things.