Sievierinova Marharyta
Speciality: Business administration
Term of stay: 14.02.2020 – 25.06.2020 The name of specialty in NTU DP: Economic cybernetic
Even going to the first year of University I knew for sure that if there is an exchange program that would be suitable for me I’ll do everything to get in and study somewhere abroad for half a year. And in the end of the second year I find out, that there is a way to take a trip to Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa in Wroclaw, Poland. I filled in the application right away and was invited to the interview. Unfortunately, I didn’t get in that time but I was told if the opportunity rises again I’ll be informed. Two years later I suddenly get an email with an invitation to the interview. At first I had no idea what the interview was for but it was quickly explained by the curators of the international department and I was invited to the meeting. This time the interview went great and my candidacy got approved. The documents preparation started. I’m not going to hide the fact that to make every document, you have to go through a bureaucratic hell but it’s well worth it. Finally, in February of 2020 I was already in Wroclaw getting ready to spend some quality time and meet new people! I loved the Wroclaw University right away for it is modern, beautiful and quite comfortable. This semester was attended by students from Georgia, Greece, Italy, Turkey and Spain, we had an adaptation week first and the Polish side prepared an extensive program to get to know the city and each other, which was very cool! Studying is a bit different from what we are used to, there is no division between lections and practice, everything is done at the same time. Professors explain everything in a very accessible way and are ready to answer your questions anytime. Unfortunately, due to the beginning of the pandemic, the University transferred all its activity online but it was just as cool! Professors quickly got used to it and the classes were well-organized and harmonious, homework was placed into your personal account and you always had a deadline, but if you were a bit overdue, professors were ready to meet you half way. I’m really glad that the opportunity like this exist in my University and everyone can take it!