Toropcev Grigorii
Speciality: Business Administration
Term of stay: 03/09/2018-28/01/2019 The name of the specialty in NTU GP: System Engineering, 4th course
First of all, I want to express my gratitude to the department for international relations of NMU for the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus project. I studied for half a year at the University of Jaen, located in Jaen, Spain. The University has turned out to be more than a modern and large institution with a large number of foreign students from different countries. The university administration made a lot of effort to create comfortable conditions for adaptation in a new environment for all students, was very friendly and provided all possible assistance. When selecting subjects for study, each discipline could be selected by the student after the study session. The opportunity to choose many language courses was also given, both Spanish and many others. I took this opportunity and stayed very satisfied with my progress. The choice of technical and others specialties was also very broad, but most of the lectures were still conducted in Spanish. This did not make a big problem because most of the teachers conducted practical classes and seminars in English if necessary. In general, my impressions of the university and the project could not have been better. I recommend each student take part in this project for gaining international experience and professional growth.